Welcome to this course, History of Cybersecurity & Key Terms and Roles in Cybersecurity and I hope you’ll find it interesting. We’re going to refers to the challenge that we faced currently in the cybersecurity space. The challenges are significant. In fact most of these challenges have been true for a long time and I suspect will continue to be true for a long time moving forward which is one of the things that makes this such an interesting space and such a good place to develop and spend your time developing skills in. So for instance, the threats continue to increase. That’s been the case for as long as we’ve been interconnecting computers across the internet. The threats have continued to increase, there’s no reason to think that that’s going to change. There’s an increasing incentive for the bad guys to try to hack, and why is that? Well because more and more we’re putting important information, valuable information, resources that have actual monetary work on IT systems. So as the famous or infamous bank robber Willie Sutton was asked, why do you keep robbing banks? He said, “Because that’s where the money is”. Well if Willie Sutton was robbing banks today he’d probably be on IT systems and be a hacker because that’s where the money is and it will continue to be the case. So the threats continue to increase, system gets more complex which also increase the threat space and increase the size of the target that we place on these systems. The alerts that we get to continue to increase, in other words the notifications that people are attacking and doing certain techniques using different types of attack vectors that continues to change and more. We have some general themes that continue, but the details of the attacks will continuously change. Unfortunately, those things are good for the bad guys, for the good guys, the number of analysts is down and you see a statistic down at the bottom of this slide in particular, that talks about a skill shortage that we’re projecting that by the year 2022, their will be 1.8 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs. Now that’s a lot, but some people will argue and say well, that number is exaggerated, so let’s cut it in half. Let’s say it’s roughly a million just in terms of round numbers. That’s still a huge number. That means if you have the jog Rex to go out and get the skilled people, there’s simply not enough skilled people and we can’t create cybersecurity experts fast enough to meet that demand. Now you may watch this course, this is being recorded at one point in time, so anytime you put statistics like this out there, there’s always a risk that in the future the odds are that the dynamics will be somewhat different. I suspect this is going to be a problem for us going forward. So we’re going to need a lot more cybersecurity experts in the field to accomplish what we need to be able to accomplish and they’re going to need more and more knowledge. The knowledge that’s required in order to deal with more complex attacks continues to increase. Then unfortunately we have less and less time to work on these. Because literally time is money when it comes to these attacks, the longer it takes you to respond the more it will cause, the more data that gets leaked, the more damage that’s done, and in some cases when we’re talking about compliance regulations like the Generalized Data Protection Regulation from Europe GDPR. If you don’t respond quickly enough and notify all the people that need to be notified of a breach, it will cost your company significant money as well in terms of fines.
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